RRC Events

Winter Cruise Night

March 7, 2015

2014 Cruising Season Begins!!

April 2nd was one of the first warm spring days of the year and that worked out just great for our very first cruise-night of 2014. As usual, these early events are pretty informal and only the hearty (or fool-hearty) show up.

This year saw the return of "The Rockin' Heartbeats" band from Connecticut, the first live band we featured at our winter party several years ago - and they were great! Hamels Catering provided a delicious buffet dinner and dessert included two special cakes with our RRC logo. Each year we hold a raffle with something for everyone which everyone seemed to enjoy. The proceeds help defray the costs of the party and go a long way to support our efforts during the year.

A half-dozen old cars and more than a dozen cruisin' buddies were on hand to enjoy the warm weather and swap stories with each other for a while. It was great to see such a good turnout so early- maybe this will be the beginning of Wednesday nights without rain!

Fall Foliage Tour & Picnic

Oct 1, 2011

For the first time, our Fall Foliage tour was affected by rain. We had high hopes that the forecasts of improving weather that day were true, but it just wasn't so. A caravan of seven vehicles left Atkins Market and toured through Amherst and points north to the newly opened Kringle Candle Co. in Bernardston, MA. This year our group included members of the Northeast Chevy-GMC Truck Club with their vintage trucks. We arrived at our final destination around noon - the home and studio of Bryant and Jeannie Stewart. Their house was once a church and they've spent many years turning it into a comfortable and very unique place. Bryant is a founding member of the truck club, accomplished artist, and our contact at the Wendell State Park.

Hopefully, we'll see more and more of our "regulars" and a bunch of new cruisers as we move ahead. The April meets will continue as simple get-togethers, then things will really get going in May when the oldies music, raffles, and Deano's fine food will all return. CRUISE NIGHTS ARE BACK !!

Lively music and dancing, good food, and a most enjoyable evening of visiting with friends summed up our eighteenth annual winter event. Plans are already in the works for next year and we're hoping to see even more folks there to enjoy a great night out.

Winter Cruise Night XVII

February 22, 2014

Another year, another great party! We did it again - a bunch of cruisin' buddies, oldies fans, and folks who just love to have fun got together at the Elks Lodge in Holyoke for a night of good times.

Summit View Catering did a fantastic job, the SkidMarks were terrific, and the raffle table offered something for everyone. It was great to see everyone and to catch up on what's happening. A lot of people use our annual winter party to mark the point where winter starts to fade and thoughts of springtime take hold. It won't be too long before the 2014 season is upon us, so get those repairs done and get your ride ready for our first cruise-night on April 2nd (hopefully).

RRC Winter Cruise-Nite Party

February 23, 2013

This year's party was our sixteenth annual mid-winter event to get everybody back together for a great evening of food, entertainment, and catching up with each other since last fall. We had a full house again as the weather cooperated, even though snow was in the forecast. People began arriving shortly after 5:00 to find their tables and to get a preview of the raffle gifts on display - not to mention the band's rehearsal.

We enjoyed a "pot luck" meal including various hot dishes, salads, fresh corn-on-the-cob, and desserts. Afterward, Bryant took us on his "Rust Tour" which featured some old car bodies, farm implements, and other items displayed around his property. We were then treated to a tour of the Stewart home and art studio where both his and Jeannie's work are displayed.

Dinner began at 7:00 as tables were called randomly to the buffet provided by Hamel's Creative Catering. In no time at all everyone was enjoying a delicious meal featuring fresh salad, roasted potatoes, chicken, kielbasa, and even ham! Two special cakes were sliced and served with coffee just before the Skid-Marks band started their first set. Once again, this popular oldies band rocked the house and kept people dancing all the while.


Due to the lousy weather, we didn't hold the car games or piston-toss contest, but still had a great time, ate well, and made some new friends. Hopefully, the rain curse that's been around all year will pass and next year's cruisin' season will be better all 'round.

The Skid-Marks - 2013 Edition

Just as soon as the band took their first break, the Chinese raffle began and prizes were awarded to the lucky ticket holders. This year's prizes included some hand-made items, collectibles, gift certificates from local businesses, and several gift baskets. Then the band returned and the place started jumping again. Those who weren't dancing visited with friends and shared enjoyed the music. The evening rolled on until around 11:00 when folks started for home and the "goodbyes" were mixed with "see you at Cruise-Nite" . . . . . . . . . . come on Spring!

Picnic site - Stewart home in Farley, MA

Winter Cruise-Night 2013

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Winter Cruise Night Party XV

February 25, 2012

The fifteenth annual Winter Cruise-Night dance party was held at the Holyoke Elks Lodge with nearly 200 people in attendance. Everyone had a great time getting back together since the "cruisin' season" ended last fall. Once again, we enjoyed a terrific buffet dinner and were entertained by our favorite oldies band "The SkidMarks". The Chinese Raffle was another huge success with over twenty-five prizes going home with the lucky winners. As folks headed home, they were excited about getting their old cars out again this spring - it won't be long!

Bryant's "Rust Tour"

Winter Cruise-Night - 2011

The SkidMarks

Raffle Prizes

Fall Tour & Picnic - 2010

Dancin' the night away

Sept 18, 2010

Costume contest


Red Rock Pizza Night

September 21st marked the first time that Deano, our food vendor was unable to attend or send someone else to serve in his place. Instead, we brought cold drinks and hot pizza for everyone, compliments of the Red Rock Cruisers. Even though it wasn't the same without our favorite cruise night food guys, everyone seemed to enjoy the free eats.

Sept 21, 2011

2011 Off To A Slow Start

We can only hope that "April showers" will be done soon and we'll not only have "May flowers", but some warm and dry weather too. Our cruisin' season has been slow to get started due to all the rain and cold, but it's gotta get better! We've had a couple of get-togethers so far, but cruise-nights really get going in May . . . see you there!

Check the "Photos" page

for more picture of this event

2010 Winter Cruise-NIght

The "Skidmarks"

Cruise Night Apr 27, 2011

WINTER PARTY 2011 (Feb 26)

What a blast! Our 14th annual Winter Cruise-Night was another great success. The hall was full, the buffet dinner was delicious, the raffle went great, and the Skidmarks kept the place rockin' with oldies music all night long. We honored our cruise-night food vendor, Dean Elliot, with an engraved spatula for all his fine service. Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves and were already looking forward to next year's event.

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An early spring (2010) . . .

A special cake for dessert

"Bubba" & Mrs enjoy a dance

Winners of the Costume Contest

"Cricket" & Mary Heath

2009 Fall Tour & Picnic

April 7, 2010

Dave's Car Games

April 7, 2010

Lady's piston toss (small block pistons)

April 7, 2010

Men's piston toss (diesel pistons)

Deano at the grille - Apr 7th

Blindfolded driving contest (oops!)

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A visit to the Diemond Farm

RRC Car Show - 2008

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RRC Fall Tour - 2005